Page last updated Oct 20, 2021 @ 10:13pm

Custom Interlocks

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We sell many types of standard and custom interlocks, which are sometimes called breaker lockouts. These operate like a manual transfer switch allowing a generator to safely provide electricity to a breaker panel during a power outage. For a more complete description of an interlock go to this page link.

There are three options:

  1. Look at our wide selection of traditional manual transfer switches and purchase one of them, or...

  2. Email us a photo of your breaker panel with the brand and important dimensions that are shown in the figures below.  We will review your information and reply indicating if one of our interlocks will work.

  1. Click the image below to enlarge in a new window:

  2. Select the figure that matches the configuration of your panel.

  3. Carefully measure the required dimensions.

  4. Send an email to NoOutage using one of the methods here with the brand, dimensions, and a photo of the breaker panel.

  5. We will normally get back to you within one business day with an answer.


  1. If you are reasonably sure there is no existing interlock kit available then order a custom kit using the link below.  You will need to have the figure letter from the image above that matches your breaker panel and the applicable dimensions for that figure, usually dimensions #1, #2 and #3.  You will also need to email us a photo of your breaker panel before we can process the order.  We will notify you if the factory finds a standard interlock that matches your requirements and reduce the price accordingly.  If that is the case it will ship much faster than a custom kit.


Our custom interlocks have unique features not found in any others:

We can usually even meet special requirements such as:

* small interlocks that must fit in tight spaces may not include the position indicator



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